Make a difference
Managing stormwater at home
EnviroCentre works to educate residents on what they can do to reduce runoff from their properties.
Flowing in One Direction
The Ottawa region has over 2,700 km of storm sewers and 1,600 stormwater outlets which allow rainwater and other runoff to flow directly to our rivers, creeks and canal. This water is not treated and has harmful effects on delicate marine ecosystems.
You can help
Reduce your runoff
Top 10 tips to protect our river … from home!
Direct your downspouts to a lawn or garden
Scoop your pup’s poop
Grow native plants
Say no to driveway sealant!
Keep your property chemical free
Reduce salt use in the winter
Pile snow where it can drain into the ground when it melts
Keep your car maintained so it doesn’t leak oil or fluids
Learn about the benefits of rain gardens and then install one!
Keeps the suds off the streets, use a car wash!
Top 10 Things to Know About Rain Gardens!
Nature into beauty
Rain Garden Mural
This painting by local Ottawa area artist Emily-Rose depicts the important role rain gardens play in protecting our rivers!
Building a Community Rain Garden
In 2021 EnviroCentre installed a demonstration rain garden on behalf of the City of Ottawa at the Manordale-Woodvale Community Centre.
Learn about the process and how rain gardens help to keep Ottawa area rivers healthy.
Glossary of Common Terms
Bioswales are permeable surfaces usually with plants and/or river stone that run along roads or parking areas to collect rainwater runoff. They generally have inlets to guide water into them and sloped sides to create a basin effect.
A depave is a community event where asphalt is removed by hand. The asphalt is scored into sections that can be removed and replaced with green space such as grass, trees or gardens.
Eavestroughs & Downspouts
An eavestrough is a small gutter that runs along the edge of a roof. The downspout brings the water from the eavestrough to the ground. Downspouts should be long enough that the water expels a minimum of two metres from any foundation.
Native Plant
A plant that naturally grows in the ecosystem in which it is planted. It requires little maintenance and will thrive in local conditions.
Naturalized Garden
A naturalized garden incorporates local native plants and the surrounding environment into its design. It is often informal and has a feel of wildness.
When you visit the river you may see a large opening, often with a metal grate. This is where water that flows off our city streets and into storm sewers is released into our river. Know the flow!
Permeable Driveway
A permeable driveway allows water to flow freely through it into the water table. It can be made of specifically engineered and installed pavers or hardscaping, it could be gravel and it could be blocks that allow for vegetation to grow amongst it.
Rain Barrel
A rain barrel is a container that captures runoff from downspouts or directly from the sky.
They should have a screen to prevent larvae and be raised off the ground securely for best use of the water.
Rain Garden
A rain garden is a special garden with a deep sub-base that allows a great deal of water to be absorbed on-site.
Runoff is the water that flows from roofs, driveways, roads, and any other hardscaping. In the Ottawa area, most runoff flows directly and untreated into watersheds.
Storm Sewer
The fish you see on this storm sewer indicates that water going down it will flow directly to our rivers untreated. Think of the fish!
Transpiration is the process by which trees and other plants absorb water through their roots and release it through their leaves. A large tree can absorb up to 375 litres per day!
Useful Resources
Rain Ready Ottawa – The City of Ottawa’s Rain Ready page provides lots of interesting information and resources!
Ottawa Field Naturalist Club – Visit this site to learn about the nature outside our doorstep!
Ottawa River Keeper – No one knows our rivers better than the Ottawa River Keeper.
Landscape Ontario – Learn how fusion landscapes are designed to thrive naturally with rainwater.
Ottawa Wildflower – Provides education and seeds to anyone looking to learn about gardening with native plants.
Local nature-based climate solutions map – This interactive map showcases case studies of nature-based climate solutions across Canada.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority & Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority to stay connected to our watersheds!