The Save on Energy Energy Affordability Program is designed to help more Ontario residents save energy, reduce costs and stay comfortable at home. People who live in Ontario and are responsible for paying their monthly electricity bill as a homeowner or as a renter may qualify for this program. Residents of social housing who do not pay their electricity bills may also qualify.

The Energy Affordability Program provides support to income-eligible electricity consumers by helping them to lower their monthly electricity costs and to increase their home comfort.

Depending on your situation, you may receive different energy-saving products and services. Some participants may qualify for a free home energy needs assessment conducted by a trained energy professional that will help identify energy-efficient upgrades available for their homes, such as replacement of inefficient appliances and professionally-installed insulation and draft-proofing. These upgrades may be installed during or after an in-home visit.

Other participants may qualify instead for free energy saving kits. These are customized to meet their energy needs and could include energy-saving LED lighting, timers, faucet aerators and/or a clothes drying line.

All expert advice and energy-saving home upgrades under this program are completely free of charge.

The Energy Affordability Program is ONLY delivered by trusted Save on Energy delivery partners like EnviroCentre.

To get started either call EnviroCentre
on 1-877-580-2582.

Or visit the Save On Energy website
to register there.